To assist in the process of acceptance, review and determination of applications, the Canton Community Foundation (CCF) will maintain the PCMB endowment fund which was established in December, 2008. The Foundation is organized to accept gifts for the purpose of investing and managing the PCMB Scholarship Fund. The earnings from the fund are the source of the annual Financial Aid and Merit Scholarships, the annual distribution shall be distributed 85% to Financial Aid and 15% to James R. Griffith Scholar Award Merit Scholarship. The information submitted to the Canton Community Foundation is not shared with the PCMB Board. The Treasurer will receive a notification of the award amounts. The CCF maintains both this award and the PCMB Financial Aid program.
The deadline for submitting the application is September 14th of the current year.
Mail completed applications for CCF Scholarships to:
PCMB Scholarship Fund
Canton Community Foundation
50430 Schoolhouse Road, Suite 200
Canton, MI 48187
James R. Griffith Merit Scholar Award
The James R. Griffith Merit Scholar Award is provided to help offset member fees for participating in PCMB / PCCS programs. The program is named for a former Plymouth Director who is credited with building our nationally recognized Marching Band.
The Merit Scholarship is based upon multi-faceted criteria with a 100-point scale, to be completed by student. The maximum allotment of $100 may be received one time in their 4 years at high school.
Application: griffith merit scholarship application.pdf
Bill Pawelak Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2023 in the name of Bill Pawelak, a 1990 graduate of Plymouth-Canton High School and member of the trumpet section. Music and the arts are critical when we’re growing up: as a creative outlet, for educational benefits, and a place where many of us form our closest friendships. The PCEP Marching Band was Bill's primary creative and social outlet in high school, and the start of many close life-long friendships. Bill left this world in 2017 much too young at the age of 47. This scholarship was established in his honor to support students in the PCEP Marching Band in the hopes that finances do not get in the way of somebody sharing in this experience.
Amount: $1000, one offered every year
Qualifications: need-based, student must be in good academic standing
The Foundation decides the recipient(s) of the scholarship(s). Scholarships are based on financial need: this is proven by providing a tax return OR a copy of the free/reduced lunch designation. Boosters may decide how much the scholarships are and how many, based on what is available as reported by the foundation. Parents send their application to the address listed. Boosters are removed from the process of deciding whom is awarded funds. When scholarships are released, the monies go towards dues and fees.
Amount: variable, according to the gains on the endowment
Qualifications: need-based, student must be in good academic standing