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Plymouth Canton Music Boosters

About the Boosters

The Plymouth-Canton Music Boosters is a parent-run 501(c3) non-profit organization supporting high school Concert Bands, Marching Band, Color Guard and Percussion students from Plymouth, Canton and Salem High Schools in Canton, Mich. The boosters is a dedicated group of volunteer parents and other adults who volunteer their time so that the children are able to enjoy the many benefits of a comprehensive music program.

A major function of the booster organization is fundraising. Though the Concert programs are a high school elective, the Marching Band, Jazz Band, Winter Guard and Winter Drumline programs are extracurricular programs. Students who participate in these programs are required to pay fees. The boosters work hard to fund-raise to ensure that participation fees are as low as possible so that all students interested can be a part of a wonderful, life-changing musical experience.

Almost all the expenses to maintain the programs are raised through student fees and fundraising. Costs include instruction from the many professional musicians that teach the students; housing for out-of-state competitions; food for the students; props and uniforms used each season, and much, much more.

Donations and sponsorships are greatly appreciated. If you would like to make a donation or inquire about sponsorship opportunities to help the students of Plymouth-Canton, please contact our Booster’s President or one of our Members at Large on our contacts page.


Plymouth Canton Music Boosters

P.O. Box 701135 
Plymouth, Michigan 48170

Email: [email protected]

Contact Us

Plymouth Canton Music Boosters

P.O. Box 701135 
Plymouth, Michigan 48170

Email: [email protected]

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